Asking a Steve Earle fan to pick his favorite song is akin to asking a parent to pick their favorite child but what the hell here goes:
I am partial to “I Feel Alright”. The opening verse of “…Now some of you would live through me Then lock me up and throw away the key Or just find a place to hide away And hope that I'll just go away Huh…” is autobiographical but also speaks to the generations of incarcerated in this country for nothing more than a health problem aka drug addiction.
I saw one of Steve’s last shows before he reported to prison (he warmed up for Los Lobos at First Ave in Mpls) and he was looking and sounding pretty rough and who could blame him. Which is why Steve is an inspiration to me; for taking control of his life, learning from his mistakes and for working for unpopular causes. Truly a great songwriter and musician but even a better man.

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