Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Old Trope That "Both Parties Are Equally to Blame" is Ignorant and Untrue.

I have a friend named Chris who likes to play the contrarian.  No matter the issue, whether he personally disagrees with a policy or even if he knows something is absolutely false, he will champion it with a straight face if he thinks he can get a rise out of a serious person.  Of all the provocations my friend likes to annoy me with, and there are many, if I had to pick just one that bothers me the most, without a doubt it would be his old trope that the Democrat and Republican parties are equally to blame.  Not only is this view point intellectually lazy and a copout for the ignorant and uninformed, it is patently false.

So when I caught Bill Mahr's pithy little video on the topic I just had to repost it so that the next time Chris makes that ridiculous allegation, instead of wasting my breath and getting exasperated I can simply refer him to this video.