Friday, August 17, 2012

Ecuador Grants Asylum to Romney Tax Returns

Stealing a page out of Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange's playbook, an insecure but well coiffed gentleman was seen lugging several banker boxes of files into the Ecuadoran Embassy in Washington, D.C. today.  After hastily scheduling a joint press conference with the Ecuadoran Foreign Ministry, the Romney Campaign announced that 10 of the last 12 years of Mitt Romney's tax returns have been granted Asylum by the President of Ecuador. 

The spokesman for the Romney Campaign, Paul Ryan, (rumored to have once been a big wheel in the U.S. House of Representatives and a significant player in the Washington political scene but now relegated to carrying water for a doomed presidential campaign), predicted "This is a real game changer".  Ryan  went on to state "...this should end all the wild speculation over off shore tax dodging foreign accounts, American jobs lost by Bain Capital shipping them overseas so that we can finally focus on the number one issue that is of paramount importance to red blooded, rib rock Republicans like our spiritual leader, Donald Trump:  why Barack Obama is ineligible to serve as President of the Unite States since his birth certificate is a forgery".

Truly the end of presidential politics as we know it.

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